Cryotek Strength Agility Intellect Willpower 8d 15x 17b 13x Hand Size: 5 (30) Edge: 3 Origin: Cryotek is an electromechanical being from Cybertron, an evil robot that has, with his Predacon compatriots, waged a war against the heroic Autobots in a bid to conquer the universe. This alien is also from another time period, making him doubly out of place on earth. Powers: Cybertronian Physique: like his fellow Predacons, Cryotek is a robotic entity of Cybertronian origin. As such, this criminal mastermind has, by his very nature, the use of a large variety of abilities that reflect this. His very body gives Cryotek these super-human powers: * Body Armor (s): like most Cybertronians, Cryotek came on-line with a reinforced steel frame, one that offers him intensity 4 (+1) resistance to injury. This, combined with his considerable size, makes him quite durable overall. * Growth (a): Cybertronians come in all manner of sizes, few of which align with the human norm. Cryotek, for instance, typically stands at about twenty-four feet tall in his humanoid mode, which grants him this power at intensity 6 as a general matter of course. As such, this icy warrior has a +6 size factor. This grants him a +6 bonus to damage he inflicts on normal sized foes, while theirs suffers a -6 against him. Conversely, he suffers a -6 penalty to strike standard sized enemies in the first place, while they gain a +6 to hit him. * Microscopic + Telescopic Vision (w): all Transformers can alter their visual sensitivity where distance is concerned. Functioning at intensity 2, these powers let Cryotek see objects up to a mile distant with ease, and allow him to read items on microfiche. * Radio Transceiver (i): as are most Transformers, Cryotek is equipped with an audio / video transmission system. This communications rig allows him instant contact with any other Cybertronian within a wide radius of his person, having intensity 7 range (100 miles). * Resistance / Invulnerability to Disease and Poison (s): as an inorganic life form, Cryotek possesses complete immunity to poisons and organic diseases. He also possesses intensity 30 (+7) resistance to more chemically creative forms of disease. Battle Tail (a): when engaged in melee, yet not close enough to sink his claws and/or fangs into a foe, Cryotek can instead pummel them with his rather large tail. This battle tail allows him to inflict +2 in damage, and exposes his foes to the Spark Extractor! Claws (s): all four of Cryotek's limbs in his dragon form, and his legs in his humanoid mode, have sharp talons can be used to lethal effect in melee. Cryotek can use these claws to inflict +2 in physical (sharp) damage with each deadly swipe, though he prefers his cold attack, really. Cold Generation (a): Cryotek's most devastating ability, this power can freeze even the most powerful opponents into submission. Fired from a hoarfrost projector in the maw in dragon mode (and left 'hand' in his humanoid form), this power takes the form of a chilling breath weapon. This blast can coat everything within near missile distance within ice of material strength 12 - and inflicts like energy damage upon hitting a body. Of course, Cryotek can also just fire a ray of cold to inflict +2 damage to a single foe, instead. Corporeal Gestalt (a): Cryotek has adopted a binary bond with a Deployer-style mechanoid known as Chro. The curious thing about this bonding is that the nature of the Targetmaster link between Cryotek and Chro is reversed; the latter is the purely mechanical entity of the two. Either way, Cryotek benefits enough from this symbiosis to carry Chro along as a pet of sorts, allowing him to pick at the remnants of the foes he's dispatched. The main benefit of this is that Cryotek gains the use of Chro's impressive electrical discharges in his energon crossbow mode. While doing so, Cryotek receives a +4 to hit his foes in combat - which, combined with the sheer amount of damage the energon crossbow does, is quite a benefit to the criminal overlord. However, there may be a drawback to this as -master bonds tend to change Transformers. Plasma Torpedoes (i): supplementing his chilling ammonia breath, Cryotek is also equipped with a plasma missile launcher. These curious projectiles deliver a focused blast of atomic particles upon whatever they strike in battle, and inflict intensity 15 fiery (energy) damage per impact. Shape Change (a): his most notorious power, Cryotek has the ability to choose between three different forms: a humanoid, a dragon, and a bizarre 'dragon mobile'. This power is voice activated, however ('Cryotek, terrorize!'). His automotive mode isn't all that fast, though. Treat Cryotek as though he has intensity 3 lightning speed in this form (drives at 90 m.p.h.). Fangs (s): while he has a battle tail and deadly talons, Cryotek is also possessed of a frightening maw filled to the brim with sharpened steel fangs. His bite inflicts +2 in physical (sharp) damage, but he can try to hang on to keep inflicting damage each successive exchange. Wings (a): finally, Cryotek is possessed of a pair of wings that appear to be built from elemental ice; they are steely, yet a translucent blue at the same time. He can use these powerful appendages to achieve flight, moving through the air with intensity 3 speeds (90 m.p.h.). Hindrances / Augmentations: (none) Equipment: Spark Extractor (w): perhaps his greatest invention, this device is mounted on the tip of Cryotek's lengthy tail. Using it, he can strike a Transformer and physically extract its still-functioning Spark! What he then does with said spark is up to Cryotek, but probably won't be nice...! Upon inflicting damage with his battle tail, Cryotek can attempt a superhuman difficulty Spark Extractor (willpower) action as a contingent action. If successful, Cryotek can actually remove the spark from said Transformer's body with his tail! If this action is unsuccessful, yet Cryotek nonetheless manages to otherwise score a hit against his opponent, the victim 'only' suffers the damage that would have otherwise been caused by his mighty battle tail - and Cryotek must try again to steal his or her spark. Skills: Biology (i): a strange off-shoot of his engineering talent, this skill describes Cryotek's detailed comprehension of Cybertronian life-forms, especially their organic components. Whenever attempting to understand or change Cybertronian beings, Cryotek does so at a reduced difficulty. Detective / Espionage (i): while he's not stealthy, Cryotek has a knack for picking subtle details out of the environment around him, often helping him to learn the dark secrets of others. As such, when seeking out information of any type, he should receive a +1 CS on any applicable actions. Engineering (i): while he's an expert on Cybertronian life-forms, Cryotek is also a master builder of most anything mechanical, ranging from nano-technological weaponry to fortresses and siege engines. He can build any mechanical device at a reduced difficulty level. Natural Weapons (s): while his cold powers are much more effective when dealing with his particular foes, Cryotek is nonetheless highly skilled in the use of his own, personal weaponry. As such, he should make attacks with his claws, tail and teeth at a reduced difficulty level. Contacts: As one of the Predacons, Cryotek can theoretically rely on Megatron or any of that villain's minions for assistance should he need it. However, he is rarely seen in conjunction with his fellows, usually off on some solo mission or another, so help is rarely in the coming for him when he needs it. Calling: World Domination: there's no two ways about it - Cryotek is a schemer, through and through. He's in Megatron's camp, but never forget that Cryotek only looks out for Cryotek. That's why he keeps his catalog of dirty little secrets, for they give him power over many Transformers. Likeness: Cryotek, in his beast mode, resembles nothing more than an immense, blue dragon that appears to be built from ice and steel. In his humanoid mode, he seems to be constructed from various dragon bits, especially his legs and - the weird part - his 'dragon head' left arm. Personality: Cryotek is a frighteningly brilliant criminal, one who delights in the use of his many abilities during the perpetration of illegal activities. He shivers with pleasure at the mere thought of new criminal undertakings, and descends into morose solitude whenever his plans are thwarted. Real Name: Cryotek Occupation: Predacon warrior Legal Status: citizen of Cybertron wanted by Earth (and Cybertron) authorities for various nefarious acts committed against most all sentient beings Marital Status: inapplicable Alias(es), if any: none Group Affiliation: the Predacons Height: 24' (approximately), 32' long (approximately, in dragon mode) Hair: inapplicable Eyes: yellow Weight: several tons Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Cryotek is made of a strong, alien metal that is primarily blue (of various shades) in hue, adorned with steel plates and seeming ice regardless of his current form. Story: Cryotek is one of the single most mysterious and pervasive figures in Cybertron's seedy underworld. He was originally an engineer of great renown, but grew dissatisfied with the Predacon Council's edicts - he felt they'd too quickly abandoned their classic, Decepticon values. As such, he slowly descended into a life of crime, becoming one of the planet's most notorious outlaws. He had no problem applying his vast knowledge and intellect to any and all illicit activities he could, becoming a master of theft, extortion, and of course criminal mayhem. In fact, he's something of a criminal overlord on Cybertron, and founded a group akin to a mafia organization there, thanks to his keenly analytical mind. The fact that he finds such work unadulteratedly pleasurable only helps Cryotek to sink his claws into new criminal ops all the time. Cryotek's claim to fame is that he is the mastermind behind the theft of the legendary 'Golden Disc'. This item had information pointing to a planet teeming with raw energon, and to get a cut of that action, Cryotek wanted to figure out just where this world was. However, Cryotek was betrayed by his most ambitious underling, the Beast Wars era Megatron. This villain, who had taken his name to honor the legendary Decepticon, was given a mission by that same Decepticon through time and space, a mission to ensure the duo's domination of all! This was because this planet the Golden Disc was pointing to was none other than earth - several million years before the present time. Megatron was to slay the Autobots who'd crash-landed there, thus ensuring that his predecessor would not fail in his conquests. This would have the effect of wiping the current timeline out in favor of a new one, but the 'Beast Wars' Megatron was sure he would come out better for the change. This gambit ultimately failed though, and after he was captured Megatron was hauled back to Cybertron by Optimus Primal. While in transit between the two worlds though, Megatron escaped into transwarp space, and was presumed destroyed by his Maximal captors. However, he arrived on Cybertron at a time before they did, and the first thing he did was meet up with his old mentor, Cryotek. He did this to purge the organic portions from his otherwise 'perfect' Cybertronian body. Cryotek saw the advantage of this, and wanting to assume the mighty, dragon-like form that Megatron despised, he figured it would be child's play to seize it and its impressive power for himself. Indeed helping Megatron remove a significant portion of his organics, Cryotek quickly assumed them himself, adopting the villain's Transmetal 2 powers and physicality. The transformation threw the criminal mastermind into stasis lock though, and he would be in this state for quite a while. When he awoke, Cryotek found that he had indeed assumed his former protégé's powers. While he was in stasis lock however, Megatron had seized Cryotek's research and development efforts, and used them to transform Cybertron into a world almost free of organic life! Seeing nothing else for it, Cryotek withdrew from his time, only to appear once again in the modern day, aiding yet another Megatron. The second Predacon to assume that legendary name, this fellow had been sent to earth to seize control of the mightiest Autobot of all - Fortress Maximus! For the most part, the Autobots on earth were unaware of Cryotek's presence, so it was easy for him to search this backward (in his eyes) world for clues as to where the massive, city block-sized Autobot was being stored, only rarely encountering any opposition to his work. Megatron ultimately found Fort Max, though controlling the behemoth was a bit more challenging. Things came to a head after the villain was transformed into the diabolical Galvatron, and simply seized Maximus' power; this caused an all out battle with the Autobots - to the finish! Despite Galvatron's power, his minions were vastly outnumbered by the Autobots, and Galvatron himself fell before the might of Omega Prime's Matrix Blade. Once the fight was over, Galvatron and most all of his minions (including Cryotek) were shipped off the earth in Fortress Maximus. And delivered to a penal colony on an asteroid in Cybertron's vicinity. Whether Cryotek will escape this prison or not has yet to be revealed, but he's quite the powerful and resourceful Predacon, so it's likely the world has not seen the last of this terrifying, draconic villain! Chro Strength Agility Intellect Willpower 5x 10x 5x 11x Hand Size: 2 (10) Edge: 0 Origin: Chro is curious amongst the ranks of the Transformers for he is a Deployer, a strange mechanoid built from ancient Cybertronian technology to perform various tasks. This non-sentient robot is utilized by Cryotek as a Targetmaster of sorts, though the union is the reverse of the usual style. Powers: Cybertronian Physique: like his fellow Deployers, Chro is a robotic entity of Cybertronian design and origin. As such, this primarily obsolete warrior has, by his very nature, the use of a large variety of abilities that reflect this. His very body gives Chro these super-human powers: * Body Armor (s): made (or formed) from primarily metallic materials, Chro is considerably durable. His sturdy, inorganic composition affords Chro intensity 4 (+1) protection from attack, enough to make him strongly resistant to most basic human assaults. * Microscopic + Telescopic Vision (w): all Transformers can alter their visual sensitivity where distance is concerned. Functioning at intensity 2, these powers let Chro see objects up to a mile distant with ease, and allow him to read items on microfiche. * Radio Transceiver (i): as are most Transformers, Chro is equipped with an audio / video transmission system. This communications rig allows him instant contact with any other Cybertronian within a wide radius of his person, having intensity 7 range (100 miles). * Resistance / Invulnerability to Disease and Poison (s): as an inorganic life form, Chro possesses complete immunity to poisons and organic diseases. He also possesses intensity 30 (+7) resistance to more chemically creative forms of disease. Corporeal Gestalt (a): Chro has adopted a 'binary bond' of sorts with the mighty Predacon warrior Cryotek. The curious thing about this bonding is that the nature of the Targetmaster link between Cryotek and Chro is reversed; the latter is the purely mechanical entity of the two. While Chro receives little benefit from this bonding really (other than the protection of Cryotek, a much more powerful entity), the Targetmaster link between the two offers Cryotek several significant enhancements, all of which are described in his own power description above. Claws / Beak (s): his sole means of attack in his crow mode, Chro can make use of either his talons or his sharpened beak to inflict damage on most foes. These serrated components can be used to inflict his Strength +2 edged (physical) damage with each slashing strike. Electricity Generation (a): in his energon crossbow mode, Chro can fire a pulse of electricity at a foe that can easily fry his circuitry (or flesh, if said foe is organic). This blast is of intensity 16 strength, and will inflict devastating energy damage with each dangerous attack. Shape Change (a): Chro's primary function is his ability to act both as a scout of sorts and as a devastating weapon. He can transform from his crow mode into a rather large (as humans would see it) energy-casting crossbow, and is equally at home in either of his two forms, really. Wings (a): in his beast mode, Chro is possessed of a large set of metallic wings, which he can utilize to soar through the air despite his impressive bulk. He can fly at intensity 5 air speeds, or approximately 90 miles per hour, and is highly maneuverable while airborne. Hindrances / Enhancements: Programmable: while Chro is a Cybertronian, he is nonetheless non-sentient in nature, and can thus be reprogrammed rather easily if desired. While Cryotek would generally frown on such behavior, it's possible that Chro could be repurposed - or used directly against him! Equipment: (none) Skills: (none) Calling: Soldier: being that Chro is not sentient at all, the calling of Soldier is eminently appropriate for him. After all, Chro does what he is told when he is told to do it, without regard for his own safety (or anyone else's), so this fits to a tee. Contacts: For the most part, Chro's only real contact is Cryotek, the Predacon criminal mastermind who provides for all his needs. Sure, he could theoretically call upon his fellow Deployers for assistance in a pinch, but since they worked on the side of the Maximals, that could be tricky. Likeness: Chro is similar to Cryotek in appearance, in that he is built from a dark blue metallic substance regardless of his form (which alternates with some frequency between a crow and an energon crossbow). He has translucent qualities in places, as well as silver edging (and red eyes). Personality: While he is not actually sentient, Chro has something of a personality to call his own. He seems perfectly content to serve as a 'pet' of sorts to Cryotek, as it allows him the opportunity to feast upon the remains of various foes that villain has terminated. Nice pet, eh?