Red Raven
Melee RV 10 |
Coordination RV 10 |
Brawn RV 6 |
Fortitude RV 10 |
Intellect RV 6 |
Awareness RV 10 |
Willpower RV 10 |
Lifestyle RV 30 |
Repute RV +20 |
Health: Fortune: |
36 26 |
The mysterious man known only as Red Raven is essentially a normal human, one who was adopted and raised by a race of (effectively) alien beings who'd given him a suit that allowed him to fly much like they do. Of course, in addition to giving Red Raven the ability to fly, it grants him additional capabilities of both an offensive and defensive nature - making him an armored hero!
Known Powers:
Limitations / Enhancements:
The Red Raven Suit: his primary claim to fame, the Red Raven suit is the vehicle by which Red Raven fights evil and participates in the actions of Sky Island society. Though it is a construct, and thus marks its wearer as something less than a true native of Sky Island, Red Raven wears it with pride, as it allows him to fly at a respectable speed, and has several other useful functions. They include:
* Body Armor: the Red Raven suit is, of itself, made from a 'reinforced synthetic stretch fabric'. This fabric weave provides Red Raven rank value 6 protection from physical attacks (gunshots, knives, etc...). The suit offers no inherent energy resistance by itself, though its overall defense is raised to rank value 20 if Red Raven successfully uses his wings as a shield.
* Gun Feathers: hidden within the long pinion 'feathers' of the Suit's wings, these twin pistols can be used to inflict rank value 6 Piercing damage to an opponent, if Red Raven deems it necessary. The barrels (or any other part of his wings, for that matter) can also be used to bludgeon opponents, inflicting Red Raven's Brawn value +1 RS in Bashing damage per strike.
* Hard Points: the wings of the Red Raven suit themselves are of at least material value 100, as they have withstood the direct flames of the Human Torch on at least one occasion. With a successful shield maneuver, the Red Raven may add +2 RS to the considerable protection his uniform already provides - which has kept him alive on more than a few occasions!
* Wings: by far the main feature of the suit, these mechanical wings allow the Red Raven to fly at rank value 6 air speed - approximately 81.81 miles per hour, give or take. These wings gain lift via microscopic antigravity generators, though their actual forward momentum and maneuverability come from the flapping motion of the wings while Red moves through the air.
Alien Customs: the Red Raven grew up on Sky Island, a sort of floating city that has been completely isolated from the rest of human civilization until only recently, save for one or two incidents. As such, he's possessed of a slightly alien mindset, one more practical for a person with his background and more likely to cause him to behave strangely, as compared to ordinary humans.
Aerial Combat: having spent a lifetime flying about in the air, Red Raven is naturally rather skilled in airborne fighting techniques. Having honed his skills with the citizens of Sky Island for years, he can make any attack roll while in the air at a +1 RS (whether it applies to Melee or Coordination). As such, he naturally attacks an opponent from the air, for he has a natural edge in that regard.
The Red Raven is a member of the Liberty Legion, and as a result, a valued associate of the Invaders. He can easily rely upon members of either team for assistance should he need it, as well as a majority of other heroes and even the Allied Forces, should it come down to it; he's fought alongside them and spoiled Nazi plots long enough to have earned their respect.
The Red Raven wears a primarily red suit with red wings, boots, gloves, and a partial mask (head covered, but face exposed). It is complemented with yellow stripes on the ends of his boots and gloves, a yellow belt, and yellow 'Y' straps running from the front center of his belt to his wings. The wings themselves vary, however, between bird-like and bat-like style, depending.
Though he was raised in Sky Island and has little practical experience in human society, Red Raven works hard to protect mankind from the forces of evil. He is a somewhat inexperienced, yet extremely willing hero who is more than happy to put villainous scum in their place. He does this to both defend human society as well as his own, airborne 'world'.
Real Name: unrevealed
Occupation: adventurer
Legal Status: no known criminal record
Marital Status: single
Alias(es), if any: none known
Group Affiliation: the Liberty Legion
Height: 6'
Hair: red
Eyes: blue
Weight: 180
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: none
Many, many years ago, one of the earliest trans-Atlantic flights disappeared into a dense cloud bank, never to be seen by humans again. While it was thought that the plane had crashed into the ocean, it had in fact collided with Sky Island, a floating nation created and maintained by an offshoot race of Inhumans, all of which wished to isolate themselves from both the Inhumans and regular humanity.
Everyone on the plane died, save for one lucky youth that the natives decided to raise as one of their own. As he lacked wings and the physical structure necessary for flight, these citizens of Sky Island made for him an advanced flight suit that gave him abilities similar to their own. However, the youth eventually wanted to experience his own kind, and left Sky Island to meet them.
This youth eventually landed in America, and decided to make it his home away from home. During World War II, the young hero (having taken the name Red Raven) happened upon a German plane flying high over Pennsylvania, and decided to do something about it. However, when he boarded the plane, he was laid low by a blow to the head, but was eventually rescued by the Thin Man.
This hero, also changed during a chance encounter with a hidden civilization, defeated the villains who downed the Red Raven, and saved him from an untimely end. Once these Germans were dealt with, the two heroes then responded together to a call for help from the well-known sidekick of Captain America - Bucky - who needed help to save the captured Invaders!
Arriving in New York to help in any way they could, Red Raven and Thin Man joined the nascent Liberty Legion to save America from a mind-controlled group of Invaders. After several battles up and down the east coast, the Liberty Legion finally cornered and freed the Invaders. After this encounter, the Liberty Legion continued on as heroes who fought internal troubles, while the Invaders battled evil abroad.
Of course, the two teams had a whole lot in common, not counting their respective 'turf', and as such tended to help each other out whenever possible - either by lending each other members or other support as the need arose. Red Raven served with the Legion for the duration of the War, only returning home to Sky Island once the danger posed to all the earth's people was put to rest at long last.
Extra Goodies:
Continue on to the Modern Red Raven!
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