the Vision
F Ex 20 |
A Ex 20 |
S Rm 30 |
E Rm 30 |
R Gd 10 |
I Am 50 |
P Rm 30 |
Res Gd 10 |
Pop Fe +2 |
Health: Karma: |
100 90 |
Aarkus, the Destroyer of Evil, claims to be a human who was forever changed after his arrival in the Dimension of Smoke. Whether or not this is the case, Aarkus has a laundry list of inexplicable supernatural powers with which to fight the forces of evil!
Known Powers:
Agelessness: whether he acquired this power thanks to a long journey of self-discovery or use of the Pillow of Life and Death, this power has seemingly ended the aging process within Aarkus, rending him effectively ageless!
Body Armor: it is a proven fact that Aarkus' new body is highly durable. Impervious to small arms fire and most conventional forms of impact, he has this power at Good (10) rank at the very least, which translates into the following defense against injury:
Gd 10 / Pr 4 / Gd 10 / Sh 0 / Sh 0
Cold Generation: on touch, Aarkus may draw all the heat from a body, inflicting Amazing (50) Energy damage. If his would-be victim fails an Endurance FEAT roll against this rank, he will find himself numbed to the core, and may well suffer from sudden hypothermia!
Dimensional Transit: Aarkus can use any source of mist or smoke to fashion an interdimensional portal. He can use this power to make portals to any place that has an abundance of mist or smoke, and he can do this with Excellent (20) ability.
Flight: another of Aarkus' powers is the ability to move freely, in three dimensions, within a space filled with gaseous matter. He can do this with Good (10) ability, which translates into flight at 120 miles per hour, or eight areas per turn.
Illusion Projection: though limited in scope, Aarkus does have the ability to alter the perceptions of others some. He can wield this power to appear 'normal' to the perceptions of those around him - a Good (10) ranked illusion - but can show his true self at will.
Invulnerability to Poison Attacks: Aarkus has demonstrated an astoundingly high resistance to toxic gases. Able to easily wade into poison gas deadly enough to kill countless humans, the Destroyer of Evil can be considered to be completely immune to toxins.
Mesmerism: another potent mental power Aarkus possesses is his ability to temporarily seize control of the minds of lesser beings. He can perform this trick at Remarkable (30) rank, and can direct a person's actions for 1d10 turns per application of this power.
Teleportation: similar to his ability to cross the planes, Aarkus may teleport to any location where smoke or fire is present. He can do this with astounding range, being capable of reaching even Jupiter in a single leap! Consider this Class 1000 teleportation (1 billion miles).
Vapor Animation: Aarkus has the ability to handle vaporous matter as though it were solid; this may be an ability common to all peoples of the Dimension of Smoke. He may use this ability at Amazing (50) rank, giving him considerable control of the environment around himself.
Limitations / Enhancements:
3-D Sense: Aarkus hails from a realm of mists and smoke, and is truly at home in an aerial environment. Due to this background, he can easily make maneuvers and strategies in three full dimensions, as opposed to normal folks that tend to think in a mere two.
Alien Customs: now an extraplanar being, Aarkus is somewhat out of touch with earth cultures. He sometimes reacts to situations in ways that are downright inexplicable, and his Popularity should be considered -2 CS for the purposes of reaction adjustments by folks from the earth.
Law Enforcement: an enforcer of the Law in the Dimension of Smoke, Aarkus can easily be considered a master of such - he tends to fight crime in not only one dimension, but two! While not legally recognized on earth, his sheer power here is undeniable!
Lore: as an extraplanar being that traverses several of the known realities of existence (and several that are unknown), it is safely assumed that Aarkus is knowledgeable in occult matters. He may not be an expert, but his Reason should be considered +1 CS in this area of knowledge.
Aarkus can claim his mysterious people as a contact, should he be in a position to ask them for help. Furthermore, he can possibly rely on the Invaders for aid, as he saved them from poison gas, even if he'd roughed them up a little bit beforehand.
Aarkus wears a green suit made from stretch fabric, with blue boots, blue gloves and a large, golden belt. The Destroyer of Evil also wears a cape that is yellow on the outside, and red on the inside, that has an exceptionally large red collar.
Aarkus loves his adopted home - so much so, in fact, that he will expose himself to the risks of interdimensional travel to fight the evils that may threaten it... either now or in the future. He's not a soul-less killer, but doesn't mind meting out Justice to those who deserve it.
Real Name: Aarkus (last or other names unknown or unrevealed)
Occupation: adventurer
Legal Status: citizen of the Dimension of Smoke, former citizen of Shangri-La
Marital Status: unknown, possibly inapplicable
Alias(es), if any: Destroyer of Evil
Group Affiliation: none
Height: 6' 4"
Hair: none
Eyes: white
Weight: 200 lbs
Other Distinguishing Characteristics: Aarkus is possessed of emerald-hued flesh, and his bald head is slightly larger than a regular human's.
The being who would become known as the Destroyer of Evil supposedly founded the hidden city of Shangri-La. Their high lama, he discovered the secret of immortality itself - or at least very long life - and eventually left our world for the Dimension of Smoke.
There, he became an enforcer of the Law, and was... changed. Whether this occurred due to outside influence as part of his job description or simply due to the effects the Dimension of Smoke have on a human body is unknown. However, he grew truly inhuman in appearance.
Furthermore, Aarkus developed startlingly varied powers, abilities he could easily use to defeat all but the most obstinate of evils. Eventually, he was contacted by an earth scientist, one who thought that the world could use a law man of Aarkus' acumen.
Traveling to earth, Aarkus deposited a heinous killer from his own, adopted realm in the gravity well of Jupiter, and then began to mete out Justice in earnest on our world. Whether it was mobsters or devils or dinosaurs or even plant-entities, Aarkus dealt with them all.
Eventually, the diabolical Doctor Death gained control of the device Aarkus' terran friend, Markham Ericsohn, used to contact him in the first place. Wielding this control, he forced Aarkus to aid him in his plot to completely devastate the western United States.
Forced to oppose the Invaders when they confronted Doctor Death and his Battle-Axis, Aarkus eventually was freed from the villain's control, and immediately went about neutralizing a large portion of the gas he was going to use against the Americans the Doctor had grown to hate.
After this, Aarkus is known to have assisted other heroes of the age, going so far as to participate in a mass assault on a Nazi base, before returning to his solo pursuits. He presumably continued his one-entity war on Evil for the duration of the War.
Extra Goodies:
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